Hands-on experiment building microservices and cloud native applications

Testing Social Login apps

How to create your own Social Login app, and configure it to use with the game locally.


What’s a Social Login App? I thought this section was for Game On?

Game On allows players to identify themselves via third party services, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. These are examples of 'Social Login', where a user can use credentials they have with an existing service, to sign into a new application (Game On).

How does this work ?

When a user accesses Game On, they are offered a choice of which Social Login they wish to use, when they select an option, Game On has their browser head to the appropriate service login page, where they sign in, the browser then returns to Game On after the authentication.

Behind the scenes, when Game On forwards to the social login page, Game On has to identify itself to that service, most use a variant of OAuth-2.0. Just as Game On wants to trust that the user has authenticated themselves with the remote social login service, the remote service needs to know it’s only performing that task for someone it trusts too.

In each case, that reverse trust is managed by the creation of an application with the remote service, the application acting as Game On’s authorization to use the remote service for login purposes.

Why do I need my own Social Login apps ?

Given that Game On already clearly has these apps configured when you use it today, why do you need your own apps when running Game On locally?

As part of an app definition, you have to tell the app where to send the user after the user has authenticated. After all, Game On sent the user to the social login service, the service has to send them back. The apps we already have are configured to send the user back to the live running Game On servers. If you were to configure them locally, and connect to your local Game On, after authentication, you’d be connected to the live Game On.

Adding your own Social Login app (Facebook).

As a start we’ll explain how to add just one social login app for local testing, Facebook. Adding the other services follow a similar process, hopefully that may make a bit more sense after you’ve seen how to configure the Facebook one.

Start by heading to the Facebook developer page

There.. select 'my apps' at the top right of the page, and then 'add an app' then select 'website' as the type of app, then give it a name eg 'My Local GameOn Testing App'.. then skip the rest of the wizard thing..

From here the instructions will get a little sketchy, because really this needs a whole bunh of screengrabs, but I can’t get those done at the mo.. so here’s the rough info you need in the meantime

(please just imagine the screengrabs, being held attractively by suitably clad assistants, smiling at the camera, while remonstrating expressively with their hands toward said screengrabs, alternatively, send me the screengrabs via our slack channel, and I’ll add them here.. )

You’ll need to grab your 'App ID' .. and the 'App Secret' those are the entries you’ll need to put in your gameon.env file. (In the FACEBOOK_APP_ID and FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET vars)

But we’re not done yet, we have to sort out a few other bits, and the easiest place to sort all this is from the 'Settings' panel on the left side (below 'Dashboard').

From there you can also get that 'App ID', 'App Secret', and you need to configure..

  • Display Name, thats the one that wil show up when people click 'Facebook' to tell them what they are signing into.
  • App Domains, here you need to put in, or 192.168.x.x, what ever address you access your local game on at.
  • PrivacyPolicy / TermsOfService URLs, (may be required for facebook, to access email.. ) just use ""
  • Site URL, this also needs to be configured to have the domain of wherever your local Game On is running.. eg, or http://192.168.x.x/