Hands-on experiment building microservices and cloud native applications

How to play

Games are meant to be played!

Players just want to have fun. There may be puzzles to solve, riddles to answer, cryptic speech to decipher, whatever! Every room will be different, but will follow the following consistent interaction patterns.

Navigation and common commands

Some commands will always be available. Those that are implemented by core game services (namely the Mediator) will also always behave the same.

Table 1. Common commands provided by the game
/helpList available commands (will vary by room)
/exitsList room exits
/sosEmergency rescue: will return you to First Room
Table 2. Common commands provided by rooms: implementations will vary
/lookDescribe a room or an item. Implementations will vary
/examineExamine an item. Implementations will vary: this may be similar to look, or may not work at all
/goExit the room using the specified door, e.g. /go N
/inventoryList your inventory

First Room

First Room is a special room: it is located (and fixed with a permanent sticking charm) at the origin of the map. It is the starting place for every player joining the game, and is also where players return when things go terribly wrong or call for a rescue (/sos).

First room also provides some useful custom commands for room developers.

Table 3. Custom commands for First Room to support room developers
/listmyroomsList all of your rooms
/teleportTeleport to the specified room, e.g. /teleport room-id
/deleteroomDelete the specified room, e.g. /deleteroom room-id

User profile

The in the top-right of the game screen will take you to your user profile page, which allows you to edit your user name and favorite color, and provides controls for resetting your state (should things get irrecoverably strange) and logging out.

It also displays the JSON Web Token (JWT) generated by your login. The game’s use of JWTs is described more in the Application Security section. We provide the JWT here so you can use it to test out requests requiring authorization in the API documentation.

Room management

The building icon in the top right of the application window will take you to a room management page that is broken into two sections:

  1. The small section at the top of the management page shows your user id and a shared secret.

    Room registrations are associated with an owner. The shared secret is used to identify and authorize you to the Map service so that you can make changes to rooms you have registered.

    The room management page uses your shared secret for you when modifying your room registrations, but if you wanted to try talking to the Map API on your own, or on the command line using the map client, you would need to copy this token.

  2. The rest of the page is concerned with room registration attributes.