Headed to JavaOne 2017!
That's right, Game On! is going back to JavaOne this year!
Frenetic activity has ensued (wow, does this feel familiar), as we prepare for the conference. If you're a frequent visitor, there may be some bumps as we clean things up!
Both a Hands-on Lab and a general session feature the game. Be sure to put them on your schedule!
Introduction to Reactive Systems [HOL7896]
In this two-hour workshop, IBM and Lightbend are teaming up to introduce you to developing reactive microservices on Kubernetes. Lagom is a microservice framework built atop Lightbend’s tried-and-proven distributed systems toolkit, Akka. This framework helps you build microservices as systems—reactive systems, to be precise—so that your microservices are elastic and resilient by nature. The reactive programming model aims to ensure systems availability and performance while processing streaming data. You will use Lagom’s development environment to avoid tedious setup and scripting when developing locally and will deploy your application to a Kubernetes cluster, so others in the workshop (and at JavaOne) can test out what you built.
Track: Oracle Code: Containers, Microservices, DevOps, Databases, APIs, and more
Experience Level: Advanced
Session Type: HOL (Hands-on Lab) SessionSPEAKERS
- Erin Schnabel, Senior Software Engineer, IBM
- Duncan DeVore, Principle Enterprise Architect, Lightbend
Choosing a NoSQL API and Database to Avoid Tombstones and Dragons in Game On! [CON1756]
Game On! (@gameontext – http://gameontext.org) is an awesome throwback text-based adventure built with microservices. Completely open source, it enables everyone to choose their own adventure to learn about microservices concepts while extending the game. One of the core services is the Map, which maintains a two-dimensional map containing all the registered rooms. The Map started with a document store as a back end, but as the Map changed over time, tombstones started to accrue. And then people started to ask how to manage three dimensions, and dragons appeared. Come to this session to find out why the decision was made to change the NoSQL back end, how it was done, and the result of the change with a new NoSQL API (http://jnosql.org/).
Track: Oracle Code: Containers, Microservices, DevOps, Databases, APIs, and more
Experience Level: Intermediate
Session Type: Conference SessionSPEAKERS
- Leonardo Lima, CTO, V2 Tecnologia Ltda.
- Erin Schnabel, Senior Software Engineer, IBM
- Otavio Santana, Developer, Soujava